CV3 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CV3 6 is a postcode sector in Coventry, UK. Below is a complete list of CV3 6 Postcodes (Active). CV3 6 postcode sector comprises of 233 active postcodes. CV3 6 sector has a population of 13459, and it has 5334 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CV3 6 postcode sector

CV3 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 13459
Addresses / Property Count 5334
Active Postcodes 233
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of CV3 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 233 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CV3 6AA 52.38175700 -1.52545200 18 27 432398 276075
CV3 6AB 52.38674100 -1.53323000 9 25 431865 276626
CV3 6AD 52.39677700 -1.51594400 28 36 433034 277750
CV3 6AE 52.38732200 -1.53234200 7 13 431925 276691
CV3 6AH 52.40193500 -1.52027300 N/A N/A 432736 278322
CV3 6AJ 52.40188800 -1.51503500 18 29 433092 278319
CV3 6AN 52.40068500 -1.51546000 8 12 433064 278185
CV3 6AQ 52.39994700 -1.51736400 N/A N/A 432935 278102
CV3 6AS 52.37465900 -1.51104400 24 32 433384 275292
CV3 6AT 52.39979600 -1.51555800 8 17 433058 278086
CV3 6AU 52.39754000 -1.51616100 18 30 433019 277835
CV3 6AW 52.38467700 -1.52949000 16 60 432121 276398
CV3 6AX 52.38557700 -1.53200800 16 41 431949 276497
CV3 6AY 52.38649000 -1.53120500 40 118 432003 276599
CV3 6AZ 52.38604000 -1.53335500 7 26 431857 276548
CV3 6BA 52.38707500 -1.53128700 34 99 431997 276664
CV3 6BB 52.38805900 -1.53008600 16 45 432078 276774
CV3 6BD 52.38703300 -1.53194800 22 53 431952 276659
CV3 6BE 52.38397500 -1.53387600 26 78 431823 276318
CV3 6BF 52.37870000 -1.51451100 18 32 433145 275740
CV3 6BG 52.38168300 -1.53636800 36 96 431655 276062
CV3 6BH 52.38020600 -1.53573700 33 101 431699 275898
CV3 6BJ 52.38175200 -1.53570600 32 88 431700 276070
CV3 6BL 52.38378400 -1.53351100 34 102 431848 276297
CV3 6BN 52.38563800 -1.53380000 10 30 431827 276503
CV3 6BP 52.38505400 -1.53201800 12 28 431949 276439
CV3 6BQ 52.38431000 -1.52997900 25 76 432088 276357
CV3 6BS 52.38314000 -1.53187200 39 105 431960 276226
CV3 6BT 52.38290500 -1.53153600 38 98 431983 276200
CV3 6BU 52.38102800 -1.53430400 29 73 431796 275990
CV3 6BW 52.38047900 -1.53425100 28 73 431800 275929
CV3 6BX 52.38145400 -1.53522500 31 89 431733 276037
CV3 6BY 52.38133500 -1.53474100 29 79 431766 276024
CV3 6BZ 52.38350400 -1.53295500 34 91 431886 276266
CV3 6DA 52.38338500 -1.53247200 37 119 431919 276253
CV3 6DB 52.38650400 -1.53010200 29 75 432078 276601
CV3 6DD 52.38611600 -1.52981300 21 60 432098 276558
CV3 6DE 52.38485200 -1.52847400 26 59 432190 276418
CV3 6DF 52.38661600 -1.52883800 23 56 432164 276614
CV3 6DG 52.38576500 -1.52959600 15 37 432113 276519
CV3 6DH 52.38658700 -1.52825000 28 70 432204 276611
CV3 6DJ 52.38627300 -1.52628500 32 89 432338 276577
CV3 6DL 52.38594900 -1.52611200 37 103 432350 276541
CV3 6DN 52.38508400 -1.52792800 16 47 432227 276444
CV3 6DP 52.38194500 -1.52978400 36 90 432103 276094
CV3 6DQ 52.38022700 -1.53193200 37 83 431958 275902
CV3 6DR 52.37850000 -1.53408000 35 111 431813 275709
CV3 6DS 52.37837300 -1.53356800 30 82 431848 275695
CV3 6DT 52.38004600 -1.53147900 30 86 431989 275882
CV3 6DU 52.38011400 -1.53055200 8 19 432052 275890
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